I am very proud to be constructing and offering this figure of Soapy Smith, my great-grandfather, for purchase. It has been one adventure after another trying to find sources and outlets for clothing. Some of the pieces I have been able to find direct and pre-made from manufacturers, while others had to be custom made. Perhaps the biggest problem is one of availability. I can't order in bulk so I am at the mercy of what is on the market and what can be custom made. For this reason I will need to be able to communicate exactly what the buyer will be obtaining at the time of purchase. Any differences should not be very noticeable, but I will send photographs, pointing out any and all differences, some will surely be for better, others will be on a limited availability as many items are hand-made by artisans, and not meant for mass sales. Some may be one of a kind sales. You won't know until you contact me.
Considering that this item is directly related to my family history and to my own personal reputation, which I value greatly, you can rest assured that I will not pass off inferior craftsmanship just to make a sale. You will receive photos and a written description of what you will receive, so there should be no surprises.
Soapy's soap |